Sjögreen Labs

Innovation, ansvarstagande och kreativitet

GraphQL and Mozaik

This is just a very simplistic test. I created a free account at Mozaik which is a GraphQL compatible headless CMS. After that, I created a schema and added some documents. I then used the very nice Schema Explorer (based on GraphiQL) to create a little GraphQL query to get the data that I was interested in. This is what the query looks like:

    documents(types: PRODUKT) {
      items {
        ... on ProduktDocument {
          produktbildEr {

It took me a while to realize that I needed to drop the top level (products) for some reason. After that, I used the simplest possible JavaScript library that I could find (nanographql) to call the Mozaik back end. I simply generate the HTML output by using .createElement(). This is what the end result looks like: